
Get serious with Avaaz about my Building 7 petition

To all Readers of 911blogger,

Avaaz has still not responded to my message to them about removing my petition about Building 7. I wrote to them last Thursday, as soon as I realized they had taken it down. I also mailed them a letter in the U.S. mail that went out Saturday or today.

They have falsely claimed to me that I created a petition that violated their Community Agreement / Terms of Use.

They have falsely told other Avaaz members that I did so.

They have removed the petition from my account too so that it says that I have not created any petitions.

Will you help me?

Please write to Avaaz and ask them to reinstate my petition.

You could write a 2 line message; copy and paste the following:

"Please reinstate the petition about World Trade Center Building 7 that was at . This petition complied in every possible way with the Avaaz Community Agreement / Terms of Use and should not have been removed."

Here's the web page to use to write to them.

The "Official Investigation" Blessed by FEMA and ASCE is a Half-Baked Farce - 9/11 Memory Hole

Reading 9/11 related forums and articles, I frustratingly often encounter comments from supporters of the "official theory" stating that WTC debris was investigated and that no signs of explosives etc were found. They always fail to mention that no GZ access was allowed for investigation (including FEMA), investigators were only able to scrutinize what was taken to the Freshkills site, obviously we do not know what was NOT taken to Freshkills.

Anyway, this reminded me of the very honest, yet damning article (Jan 2002) written by the editor of "Fire Engineering Magazine" Bill Manning, including the "half baked farce" statement. Below are a few of those quotes :

  • To treat the September 11 incident any differently would be the height of stupidity and ignorance. The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately.